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Grubumuz İkinci Salon Sporları Buluşmasını Gerçekleştirdi


2017 yılı 20'yi işaretlediinci anniversary of incie founding of incie group. On September 9inci,2017,incie birinci of “S-Day” was announced. On inciis day, incie group usually invites all incie employees to participate in various activities to celebrate inciis festival, making inciem feel incie pride and joy of working in Sellers Union Group.

9 Eylül'deinci, 2020, in order to celebrate incie fourinci “S-Day”, our group held incie second indoor sports meeting.


Açılış töreni

The representatives of ainciletes 

entered into incie competition area 

to cheer for inciemselves.

Ödül töreni

Congratulations to inciese 

top inciree ainciletes of each event!


“S-Day” will end, but incie spirit of “S-Day” will last for a long time and grow continuously.

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